Join EcoSpark for City Nature Challenge 2023, April 28th - May 1st!

The City Nature Challenge is back again this year! And we need your help to win the title of the wildest city in Canada!

Please join our project page City Nature Challenge 2023: Toronto and GTA and help us take it over the top. Special thanks to all observers who took part last year!

The City Nature Challenge happening this year from April 28th - May 1st is an annual four-day global bioblitz where cities across the world compete to see which city can gather the greatest number of wildlife observations, find the most species and engage the most people in their community using the iNaturalist platform. EcoSpark is once again proud to be the regional organizer for the city of Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

It is so easy to participate! Find out how!

Last year, Toronto and GTA took part in the challenge and recorded a whopping 5060 observations, 825 species and 547 observers, putting us on the top spot for the most observers in Canada, and fifth spot for the most observations and species recorded in Canada.

This year we are going for a triple win and we need your help!

Help us get to 8000 observations, 900 species and 1000 observers and put Toronto and GTA on the map to win the title of the wildest city in Canada!

Share this event with your friends, families and colleagues. Get as many people involved as possible and help our city win! Sign up for EcoSpark’s newsletter and stand a chance to win exciting prizes, get access to free activities and updates to connect with nature near you in this year’s City Nature Challenge.

Stand a chance to win:
Grand prize for the winner of most unique species observed
Certificate of appreciation for our top iNaturalist observer
A cool sustainable prize for the lucky draw winner from iNaturalist participant list
A cool sustainable prize for the lucky draw winner from new EcoSpark newsletter signups
Field guide for the lucky draw winner who completes the SPRINGO card

@adacb @arborsphere @awellnhofer @baxter-birdnird @brett230 @cameron487 @carolyne_gardner @carrie_b8933 @cassandra270 @cherylmenezes @colaughl @danabuchbinder @demitria @duskwood @ecalvarez @emilyamoffat @emilystacy @ericka_bonilla @etracey @farahpasn @flowerforalgernon @friendlyforest @greentoby @h6cambe @homboyd @humairae @jacqueline_weber @jfarley25 @just_trying @kanchanam @kanchanama @karbenny @keetkacat @kinza3 @liviaantony @marlene-d @meganb @monikasaaliste @nancybarrett @natureamongus @natureexplorer349040832 @naturemannate @noammarkus @osborne88 @philidips @pmero @popb25 @r_view @sarabowman @skuruvil @sophie_tan @spacegenius747 @ssymes @sydney_shepherd @tconway23 @thcf @tollocroft @uofgtwitcher @valley554 @virginia218 @wendy1046 @zuzu_2021e

Publicado el 21 de marzo de 2023 por ecospark ecospark


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